🐖Entity limiter


This configuration helps reducing enity counter in the server to avoid lag. This is an alternative to stacking plugins as they alter gameplay stacking entities into a single one. ServerBooster lowers down server lag just limiting entity groups without alterating the gameplay.

(Description of the option is in gray)

#language of the messages (in lang_limiter folder)
lang: en
# Radius in blocks to check for mobs
radius: 56 
# ticks for a farm animal to grow up
growth_ticks: -1 
# dev option
relative_age: false 
# shows message in console when an entity spawn is denied
debug: false 

age-limiter-enabled: false
breeding-limiter-enabled: false
# enable limits by sheep colors (can make lag)
sheep-color-check: false 
# farm animal breeding cooldown in ticks (-1 to disable)
breeding_ticks: -1 
# will block also plugin spawned mobs. Please enable this at your own risk
force-spawn-deny: true 
# enabling this should boost performance of mob removal on spawn
cancel-event-instead-of-remove-entity: true 
# ignore every rule for these entity types
# which worlds do you want these options to be applied
  - world
  - world_nether
  - world_the_end

# this is the default setting for mobs that are not in the "limites" list
  # Enable age limiting and remove the mob after a number of ticks. 
  # (e.g. 18000 for 15 minutes) Set -1 to ignore the age.
  age: -1
  # The maximum number of a mob type to be allowed to spawn in a 
  # "view distance" defined by radius. Set -1 to ignore radius.
  radius_max: 10 
  # The maximum number of a mob type to be allowed to spawn in a single chunk.
  # Set -1 to ignore max entities of this type in chunk.
  chunk_max: 5 
  # If set to a value other than -1, the number of mobs to not be removed 
  # on chunk unload.
  # Set -1 to avoid deleting excess entities on chunk unload.
  cull: 5 

Example entityies limits

  # limits zombie villagers: 
  # Only 15 can spawn in a radius of 56 blocks (radius is set on the top of this page).
  # Only 4 can spawn in the same chunk.
  # Only 10 will remain on chunk unload. Others will be removed.
    radius_max: 15
    chunk_max: 4
    cull: 10
  # limits enderman:
  # Only 7 can spawn in a radius of 56 blocks (radius is set on the top of this page).
  # Only 4 can spawn in the same chunk.
  # No enderman will remain on chunk unload. They all will be removed.
    radius_max: 7
    chunk_max: 4
    cull: 0

To avoid entities from being removed (like enderman farms entities and similar) you have to rename the entities using a nametag.

There are some methods to avoid entity removal:

  • rename the entities using nametag

  • put the entity on a vehicle (minecart, boat)

  • make the entity Invulnerable (NBT tag)

  • tame the entity (only dog, cat...)

  • entity has an item equipped (armor, item in hand)

Last updated