This config allows to optimize how chunks are managed in Minecraft.
What you can do:
detect chunks with lagging mechanics (redstone machines, 0 tick machines, water or lava lagging the server, plugins listening to high frequency block updates)
lower down chunks packets sending frequency to players if the server TPS is low or if the player ping is high (to avoid player losing connection if they have slow internet)
unload chunks from RAM when players are not around them, to avoid high RAM usage, low TPS and crash
(Description of the option is in gray)
# slow down chunks packets sending when TPS is below this value
enabled: true
value: 19
# slow down chunks packets sending when player ping is below this value
enabled: true
value: 150
# only in these worlds
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
enabled: true
# detect chunks lagging only when TPS is below this value
low-tps: 18
# notify lag only after these ticks (example 950000) to avoid message spam
warning-threshold: 950000
# notify online OP players
notify-op: true
# enable this to cancel the lagging event (to block the lagging machine for example)
cancel-event: false
# only in these worlds
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
enabled: true
# unload chunks with no players only after some ticks (example 6000)
interval-ticks: 6000
# log the unload event in console
unload: true
# only in these worlds
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end